Container Deposit Scheme

ParaQuad Industries hosts and jointly operates a Container Deposit Scheme Refund Point.

Container Deposit Scheme

ParaQuad Industries hosts and jointly operates a Container Deposit Scheme Refund Point.

Container Deposit Scheme

ParaQuad Industries hosts and jointly operates a Container Deposit Scheme Refund Point.

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Container Deposit Scheme

As a registered Supported Employment Service, ParaQuad Industries offers a range of high-quality goods and services to customers whilst providing work opportunities to supported employees.

A 10¢ refund for eligible containers is available at our Refund Point. Help the environment and support ParaQuad Industries by donating your refund to us using our Member Number/Scheme ID C10241730.

ParaQuad Industries is a Containers for Change Authorised Refund Point for eligible beverage containers.

Conveniently located at our Shenton Park site at the end of Orton Road, each eligible container returned to our Refund Point can earn you 10 cents or, if you prefer, your refund can be directed to the charity of your choice or to ParaQuad Industries using our Member Number/Scheme ID C10241730.

Featuring automatic counting and a drive-thru convenience, everything is in place for a pleasant and quick recycling and refund experience, even in inclement weather.

Bring your eligible containers to ParaQuad Industries! By doing so, you’ll be:

  • increasing recycling
  • reducing litter and landfill
  • creating employment for Western Australians with disabilities
  • earning a refund for yourself or a charity

We also offer, for a small fee, a collection service for organisations that generate large numbers of containers. We will provide the collection bins and change these over on a regular schedule or on demand. To find out more, contact us on 

Visit the Containers for Change WA site to register yourself for a Member Number/Scheme ID here. To donate your refund to ParaQuad Industries, use our Containers for Change Scheme ID: C10241730

Arrange a pickup of your donated items

Wanting to recycle your bottles, cans, and plastic containers but don’t have the time to drop your donations off? Then the new ReCollect app is for you.

Download the app (from Google Play or the Apple App Store) and donate from the comfort of your couch. You can book a pickup and then opt for your account to be credited or else donate that amount to charity.

If you’d like to donate to ParaQuad then click on this link to arrange a pickup:

Donate your recycling button


Contact Information & Location

Opening Hours
Mon to Sat:   8am – 4pm
Sun: 10am – 4pm

Contact Information
(08) 9381 0195

4-6 Orton Road, Shenton Park Western Australia

Become a Volunteer