Grants and Funding

Alinea can assist in grant and funding applications and spending.
We provide support to inviduals who are recovering or living with a disability injury providing grants and support.

Grants and Funding

Alinea can assist in grant and funding applications and spending.
We provide support to inviduals who are recovering or living with a disability injury providing grants and support.

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Alinea can assist in grant and funding applications and spending

We provide support to individuals who are recovering or living with a disability injury by providing grants and support.


Grants and Funding

Alinea offers various grants to assist people with spinal cord injuries and limb loss as they move to an individual or communal living.

There are five grant categories available:

  • Acute Spinal Cord Injury Cord Grants
  • Establishment Grants
  • Maud Zervos Education Grants
  • Medical and Related Research Grants
  • Equipment for Living and Disability Equipment Grants

For more information or to submit an application, please get in touch with the Community Services Coordinator via or call (08) 9381 0176.

Request Information

Acute Spinal Cord Injury Cord Grants

Alinea offers grant support to individuals transitioning into community living following a period of hospitalisation for significant spinal cord injury or disease. The Acute Spinal Cord Injury Grant provides financial assistance upon first discharge from acute care to help with the purchase of essential equipment that aids or maintains sustainable rehabilitation.

Establishment Grants

As an extension to the Acute Spinal Cord Injury Grant, Alinea provides further support to people moving back into the community following a period of hospitalisation for significant injury.

People with permanent spinal cord injury moving to independent community accommodation are able to apply for a further $1,000 to assist with the costs of re-establishing themselves in a new home or community accommodation.

To be eligible, you must also be a current client of the Organisation.

Maud Zervos Education Grants

The organisation offers education grants to children of parent/s with a disability who are financial members of Alinea.

The Department of Education of WA coordinates the advertising and selection process for Maud Zervos Education Grants. A panel from the Department of Education will conduct the selection process and forward their recommendations to the Executive Director, who will review them and advise the Board accordingly.

For additional information or to lodge an application, please visit the Department of Education’s scholarships webpage.

Medical and Related Research Grants

Alinea has a firm commitment to research, both in respect of prevention and new methods of treatment. The Organisation recognises that primary medical research is fundamental in determining and evaluating new methods of treatment and prevention of spinal cord injury or disease.

Equipment for Living and Disability Equipment Grants

Alinea assists current financial members in applying for grants from The Independent Living Centre to purchase capital items of equipment that will facilitate access to employment, education or training or simply improve the quality of life.

Please visit the Independent Living Centre’s website to view the entire list of items and equipment available for funding.


Contact Information & Location

Opening Hours
Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri:   8am – 4pm
Closed Wed, Sat, Sun

Contact Information
(08) 9381 0176

4-6 Orton Road, Shenton Park Western Australia

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