Industrial Wiper Rags

ParaQuad Industries recycles pre-owned clothing into industrial rag wipers.

Industrial Wiper Rags

ParaQuad Industries recycles pre-owned clothing into industrial rag wipers.

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Industrial Wiper Manufacturing

As a registered Supported Employment Service, ParaQuad Industries offers a range of high-quality goods and services to customers whilst providing work opportunities to supported employees.

We offer several different grades of wipers and also multiple blends of these to suit almost any application.

We supply in standard 8, 10 or 15kg blocks or 150kg bales but can also accommodate other volumes on request.

All of our wipers are subjected to stringent in-line metal detection, and compressed blocks are palletised for shipment.

We have blue chip customers (such as Rio Tinto – see video below) who purchase in large volumes but can also meet the needs of small businesses that need a few blocks every few months.

Multiple Supported Employees are employed to cut, weigh, press and palletise finished wipers ready for despatch.

The video below was shot for an Awards ceremony for Rio Tinto’s Supplier Recognition Awards (with nominees nominated by the mining company’s staff). Paraquad Industries was nominated for the Local Engagement Award (for businesses that demonstrate a commitment to investing in the local workforce in the regions where Rio operates in WA and that have made a positive impact on the wellbeing and value of the community). Although Paraquad didn’t win, Alinea is grateful to our partner for acknowledging the hard work of our staff.


Contact Information & Location

Opening Hours
Mon – Fri:   8am – 4pm
Closed Sat, Sun

Contact Information
(08) 9381 0196


Production: 4-6 Orton Road, Shenton Park, Western Australia

Sales: 52 Cutler Road, Jandakot, Western Australia

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